Thursday, September 27, 2012

Agenda for RAPT Meeting: October 1

Agenda for RAPT Meeting: October 1, 2012
Please join us in the Library at 6pm, Babysitting provided for school aged children

1) RAPT Welcome
·       Minutes from May 27th

2) Principal's Report

3) Budget / Treasurer Report

4) Social/Fundraising Calendar

·       Pizza Lunch
·       Used Book Sale
·       Terry Fox
·       School Clothing
·       Food Drive
·       Direct Donation
·       QSP
·       Used Clothing
·       ProGrant

                  5) Elections
Introduction of new Parent Members of Council
Introduction of new Staff Members of Council

6) November meeting date

7) Other

8) Goodnight - Next RAPT Meeting:
                  October 30, 2012

(Please refrain from cell phone use during RAPT meeting)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Job Opportunity: Lunch Lady

Lunch Lady is looking for a parent who would be able to distribute their lunches to students Tues - Fri every week.  This would take less than an hour each day and you would be compensated for your time.  If you are interested, please contact school.

Update on Extra Curricular Disruption

As of this morning, all extra curricular activities remain officially cancelled until further notice.  The school is hoping to get further information to pass on to parents by the end of the week.
This disruption has affected Cross Country and Boys Softball practices but, if it continues, may also impact curriculum night. This should not have a significant impact on the first RAPT meeting of the year on October 1.

Pizza Lunch Forms

Pizza Lunch forms are due today.  If you are interested in buying Pizza Lunch for your student please get your form in as soon as possible as we will begin compiling our orders at the end of this week.

If you need anoth Pizza Lunch form you can get one here: Pizza Lunch Form

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Important Message from Principal regarding Extra Curricular Disruption

Dear Rippleton Parents/Guardians:
In light of the latest directives to teachers from their Union, the extra curricular activities will be interrupted. At Rippleton, the morning Cross Country and Boys Softball practices will be suspended tomorrow (Friday) as well as Monday. Students were told to listen for further announcements about these two activities next week, if indeed practices begin again. I wanted to let as many parents know the situation to help with any confusion or questions they might have.

As for any upcoming cancelations other than Cross Country and Boys Softball, I have not heard anything, but will keep you informed as I learn anything new.

Thanks to all our supportive parents during this difficult time. I know our teachers are very torn about the situation as it impacts everyone.

Susan Adaskin

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

RAPT Council Elections

This year we will be looking for seven parent members to be a part of RAPT Council.  If you are willing to volunteer at the school in this capacity please fill out the nomination form that will be coming home with the other paper work within the first week or so of school.  Elections will be held at the first RAPT meeting on October 1.  Even if you feel you cannot volunteer in this capacity please come to the meetings to find out what is going on in our school community and have your voice heard.

Welcome Back Coffee

Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate this morning for our school yard Welcome Back Coffee but it was great to see all the parents who found us inside the school to share some java with us and reminisce about the summer.  Thank you to parent volunteer, Buffy Markakos, for once again organizing this event.

Welcome & Welcome Back

If this is your first time visiting the Blog, welcome.  This blog is used to update parents on RAPT activities within the school.  This blog is not the school website but is meant to supplement information that comes from the school.  It is run by RAPT volunteers, not by school administration.  Please feel free to use this blog for constructive dialogue on all RAPT activities.  It is just one way we are trying to improve parent communication.

We also maintain a Facebook page and twitter feed.  You can find us on Facebook at:  If you 'like' our page you will receive updates in your newsfeed.  If you 'tweet', we are @RAPTreport.

Looking forward to a great school year!